Creating Value and Delivering Results for Founders and CEOs

JL Capital Group is a private investment fund and growth partner. We’re on a mission to back passionate founders and CEOs with proven processes to create game-changing results. 


We bring 50 years of experience to building businesses

Results based

We believe passionate people working together can change the world.


We’ve grown companies from zero to 2 million and others from 10 million to more than $150M in annual sales

We Help Business Builders Grow Great Companies

JL Capital supports entrepreneurs and their teams with transformative growth systems, time-tested expertise, and a deep talent network. 


Joseph Land

A Message From Our Chairman

Hello there. It’s Joseph Land, Founder and Chairman of JL Capital Group. If there’s one thing that sets winning companies apart from the rest, it’s this: They have a profitable, repeatable, and scalable process. More importantly, the founders possess the passion and vision for how they can change the lives of those they serve.

Over the years, I’ve built two organizations to more than $100M in annual sales. I know firsthand what it takes to win on the balance sheet and in the hearts of the people you serve. 

Our team at JL excels at helping you turn your vision into reality and scale your business. 

Click the link below to learn more about JL Capital’s Growth Partner Program. 

Industry sectors include:

B2B Services

B2B SaaS

Continued Education & Training

Healthcare Tech

Home Services

Repair & Maintenance


Our Approach


We'll meet with you to figure out if we're a good fit for each other. We look for Founders who are passionate about the people they serve. We look for businesses with the framework for profitable growth.


We work to improve your customer acquisition and offer and create a profitable process. We implement our proven systems into your business.


Once your results are dialed in, we help you finance the continued growth of your enterprise.

Why Choose Us?


The north star that guides everything we do -  our principles and the will to build great companies with exceptional people.


We bring 50+ years of expertise in starting, growing and operating companies from $1 million to more than $100 million in annual sales


Our proven roadmap for growth is designed to significantly increase traffic, revenue, process, and profit.


Whether you decide to continue your growth through acquisition or exit, you can feel confident in your partnership with us as we cultivate rock-solid financial outcomes together.

Click Below To Learn More